UB Business Education Stakeholders Meet at the SBAA Tripartite Assembly 2024

March 12, 2024 | University of Baguio – The School of Business Administration and Accountancy (UB-SBAA) conducted its Tripartite Assembly at the UB Centennial Hall, bringing together its key stakeholders, totaling around 50 and marking another step towards fortifying ties. There were 16 Host Training Establishments (HTEs) representatives, four alumni, 12 SBAA faculty members and staff, 4 graduating student representatives and 14 student organizers/support staff.

The event commenced with an introduction of the participants, a warm welcome from the Program Chair of Accountancy Mr. John Balanquit, followed by an inspiring talk by the Dean of the School of Business Administration and Accountancy, Dr. Kareen B. Leon, highlighting the importance of a collaborative efforts to review, and give comments to further improve the SBAA curricula for the academic programs, namely, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA), Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) majors in Financial Management (FM), Human Resource Development Management (HRDM), Marketing Management (MM) and Operations Management (OM), Master in Business Administration (MBA) and Doctor in Business Administration (DBA), respectively. The program educational objectives (PEOs) and program outcomes (POs) of the aforementioned academic programs were perused and commented as well in the said event. The activity also aimed at strengthening the partnerships among stakeholders, emphasizing continuous improvement through constructive discussion and assessment.

The three breakout groups for the BSA, BSBA and MBA/DBA academic programs facilitated by the chairpersons

During the breakout session, the participants were split into three groups, BSA, BSBA and MBA/DBA to discuss the main objective of improving the SBAA curricula, PEOs and POs of the various academic programs. The BSA group was facilitated by Program Chair (PC) John Balanquit, BSBA by PC Madeline Salvino and MBA/DBA PC Dr. Candido Perez. Throughout the two hours of dialogue in the breakout session, the participants exchanged thoughts and perspectives regarding the objectives of the event. Additionally, the participants, predominantly from HTEs, have identified areas for improvement revolving around the On-the-Job Training (OJT) aspect, with the goal of improving the SBAA internship program.

The event was set up as one of the platforms to help advance the SBAA students’ capabilities and knowledge for the development of their future careers as well as to achieve SBAA’s objective of cultivating the knowledge that is imperative for success of their students in a globalized setting. This activity is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UN-SDG) number 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. This collaborative effort is one venue to speak and act for decent work and economic change which is positive in nature.

The actual HTEs representatives of this Tripartite Assembly came from government and private industry partners: Social Security System – Baguio (SSS), Rural Bank of Itogon (RBI), Toyota – Baguio City, ALTA Law Office, Baguio Country Club Corporation (BCC), Office of Civil Defense (OCD), Villa Preciosa Realty, Inc., DENR – CAR, SM Baguio, 1 Loyalty Lending Investors Corp., VIGNE, Bridge Auxilliary Finance Office, RWN Law Office, Baguio Tourism Office,  and Adverva and Samvinna Developer Corporation.

The SBAA student organizers/support staff with Business Administration Internship Coordinator Ms. Maria Veneranda Z. Campos and Dean Kareen B. Leon

Written by Mark Raymond Esteves and Andrea Nicole Bautista
Photos courtesy of Clarisse Gamboa

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